Recovery Coaching is a self-directed, forward-focused discovery process that empowers you to determine and achieve your personally meaningful goals as you progress in your own recovery. Here's how it works: First, we evaluate where you are right now and where you would like to go from here. We begin by cultivating the skills that will help you best utilize the tools of your chosen program of recovery. We establish goals that align with your values, passion, and sense of purpose. To do so, I will often challenge you to think beyond the self-imposed limitations and old patterns of behavior that keep you stuck or continually land you in the same place over and over again. After crystallizing your objectives, we define achievable milestones, then create accountability so that you continue moving forward. I can help you navigate through potentially challenging events relating to your family, work and health while providing encouragement, insight, and understanding through the lens of my own personal experience in recovery. Together, we troubleshoot obstacles while celebrating all your successes along the way. No matter what challenges you may be facing, I can offer you a multitude of resources to recommend and refer in order to ensure you receive all the support and assistance you desire to enhance the quality of your life in recovery. Recovery coaching focuses on your strengths and solutions. Rather than dwelling on the "why" of your inner obstacles, we reflect on how you can overcome them, take action to reach your goals, and live a happier and more purposeful life in recovery. Plus...we have fun in the process! You have been placed on this earth for a reason and a purpose that only you can discover and define. Therefore, you set the agenda for our sessions and we focus exclusively on your goals. Together, we invoke your creativity and resourcefulness so you can tap into the solutions awaiting within you with your values as our guide. Ideally, we meet at least once weekly for 45 minutes on web-based video, which allows you to be in your own space where you feel most comfortable, whether that be your home, office, or anywhere in the world. Call or email me today to schedule your 30 minute initial consultation with me at no cost.